
If we practice and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.~ Mahatma Gandhi
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Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. ~ Michael Caine
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Hi Raggedy! LOL at the Gandhi quote. The truth is stunning. Have a super weekend. ;0)
thank you for your ongoing support. I look forward to the comments you leave. Hugs,
That's such a great quote!
Hope you have a super Saturday, Raggedy!
He hit the nail on the head didn't he??
This saying always flummoxed me. I never knew anybody who lost a tooth to anybody else. I think maybe this should read "An eye for an eye and a gutshot for a gutshot." Or something like that.
Amen. Hugs to you sweet one!
Ghandi is one of my inspirational leaders. What a wonderful quote. I like Einstein quotes also. He has some quirky ones. :o)~
Hey Raggedy. Just catching up on some long overdue blog hopping. Great quote. One of my favorites.
Golly, ain't that the truth? Raggedy, I want to thank you so much for the sweet and loving comment you left me. I'm starting to do a little better. You've been in my thoughts and prayers this week.
Great quote! Sad that it's almost the truth!
That is so true!
Where I live, they must practice the tooth for a tooth part, since I see a lot of people with missing teeth.
I don't see many blind people, so they must not practice the eye for an eye part.
GREAT quote!
I have never heard this phrase of Ghandi, but I have to keep it in mind. There are so many blind and toothless people already with all these wars going on ! I blow you up, you blow me up, we blow us up etc ... I am more and more convinced if we had more women on the top of gouvernments, there would be less wars too !
Now if others could hear this :)
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