Our Family

I read a quote from Ben Silliman and adjusted it to fit our family.
Our Family
Our family has always shown remarkable resilience. We have not been able to change the direction or velocity of the wind. I want to thank my Dad for showing us how to adjust our sails. We have adjusted to natural, economic, and social challenges. We have suffered the loss of a family member. Sruti left us before we were ready to let her go. We miss you Sruti! Our strengths resemble the elasticity of a spider web, a gull's skillful flow with the wind, the regenerating power of perennial grasses, the cooperation of an ant colony, and the persistence of a stream carving canyon rocks. Our strength is not that of a fixed monument or solid rock but that of the human condition,vital, flowing, alive and energized. Our resilience is not measured by wealth, muscle or efficiency but by love, creativity, unity and hope. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. Words do not do justice for what I feel inside. I am not able to express how much I love you all, how much you mean and have meant in my life. Thank you for being there for me, thank you for sharing this journey of life with me!
All my Love,

To my wonderful mother, Carolyn, Jaycee is still clinging to the pillow you embroidered for her. She takes it to bed with her every night. I love you and I miss you! We had all kinds of plans for putting the garden and flower beds in over the weekend. Well, it started to rain late Thursday , Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and today! With all those rain days in a row we surely must be heading for a weekend where we can work outside! Jaycee told me to tell you, "I love you Gamma!"

I am overwhelmed from the responses to my blog. This project is something that I took on for myself. I entered the blog world when a person I knew directed me to his website. He writes anonymously and I am not able in good conscience to reveal his blog address or name. When I finished reading his blog I began reading the blogs that were linked to his site. Of course those blogs had links to other blogs, and you get the picture. I left comments on the posts that made me laugh, cry, or were interesting. These people wrote me back via e-mail. I was asked to write some guest posts for some of them and I probably had at least one entry on about seven blogs over a three month period. They encouraged me to write one of my own. A friend told me what a loss to the blogging community if I do not jump in and do this. I baulked at the idea for a long time. I am not confident in my ability to write. My Dad can write! Is it possible that he passed me a writting gene? *giggles * I still have my doubts.
I feel a deep need to express my gratitude. Keeping it inside me is like sitting here with a gift that you gave me and not sending a thank you card. I want to thank my friends who encouraged me. I want to thank my friends who are reading me. You have made me laugh so hard. I am honored that I can return the favor. Thank you for the mail and responses.

I finally gave the web address out to my family. I hope they do not feel obligated to read it. I was completely overwhelmed and grateful for the responses from my Dad and brother. I cried so hard when I read the mail from my Dad. Part of it read, "A Memory" completely overwhelmed me. You capture the scene so perfectly, and I am touched by how well you remember those wonderful times. With tears in my eyes I went over to Carolyn and said, "I have just received one of the most beautiful gifts of my life." Now isn't that just like my Dad. He thought a post I wrote was one of the most beautiful gifts of his life. So he turns around and sends me an e-mail that is one of the most beautiful gifts I have ever received. I have never read anything that touched me more. I love you Dad with all my heart. I am reliving that touching moment again because I read your mail again to enter this post.

I need to move away from that touching moment and tell you about the mail from my eldest brother. I laughed so hard at his mail I cried. I was very fortunate not to have taken that sip of coffee as I opened his mail. It would have shot out my nose! I have to edit here a little: "Cool Blog! I really liked "We Survived." I remember walking down our street with a friend and we were both openly carrying loaded .22 rifles and it was no big deal. My God we would be arrested if we did that today!...." I am still laughing. I am attempting to tone it down to at least a snicker and giggle here. I wish I could have added that in the "We Survived" post Hun! That was priceless. I Love You!

I gave the site to my husband and son. I told them they did not need to read it. Well, err, umm, they are reading it too...
Out of the blue Joe said "Thanks Mom, I Love you." I asked him what he was thanking me for and he replied "I read the Northwood Drama Department Post." I gave him a big hug. I didn't even know he had been reading my blog. Joe wanted to write a blog also! So I started him on his yesterday and he already knows more than I do. Maybe he can find out how I can upload video and music to my site?

Mom, I am definately in need of a new Rachel picture! I hope you enjoy your vacation to Florida! You are in my thoughts and I love you! This note to you is short because I just finished talking with you on the phone.

Anthony is my oldest son. He has left the nest. I treasure the many memories that were made as you were growing. It was a joy and a pleasure watching you grow from a wonderful little boy to a wonderful man! I miss sharing every day of your life with you. I wish we lived closer. Long distance hugs from Mom. I Love you! I am very proud of you!

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