Easter Memories

Appreciation is a wonderful thing; It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ~ Voltaire
I went to town yesterday with Jaycee. We looked at Easter dresses. I took her in the dressing room and put some of them on her. She looked like an angel. I could not afford to purchase one but we did have fun.
I may not be able to give her the things that were given me as a little girl but I can certainly share my memories and thoughts with her as I watch her grow.
My Dad always bought me an Easter Outfit when I was a little girl. I really enjoyed dressing up. I remember a yellow dress that brought tears to my eyes when it would no longer fit. I left that store with that yellow dress holding my Dad's hand and skipping. I remember skipping. I skipped when I was happy. That year I got the dress and matching shoes, hat and purse! I even got these little white gloves, white tights and a yellow ribbon for my hair. That little girl is still inside me beaming from the wonderful childhood memories that still rest within me.
Easter is filled with beautiful memories. Every single Easter memory from childhood is filled with feelings of love and joy. I loved and valued my family and they loved and cherished me. This was the time to rejoice! This was the time to laugh and live and be happy! My Dad showed me the Tulips, Daffodils, and the Easter Lilies. It was a time of Love. It was a time to be thankful for all that we had. The beginnings of life were awakening after the winter. Spring is here! The fragrance in the air was refreshing. The Easter Services were beautiful and thought provoking. We were saved, we were forgiven. Jesus has risen and he is in us! I can feel him in my heart; I can hear him in my thoughts.
We will shop today for two Easter baskets and a few things to put in them. We will buy eggs. We will purchase the items I need to make a wonderful Easter dinner tomorrow. I am so very thankful for all that I have. We will decorate eggs tonight and have a great time!
We did the shopping but everything went south on the way back home. The day began full of promise, full of optimism, full of joy. This should be a warning to me; you think I would learn by now. When everything appears to be going well, watch out! Life is so uncertain and things will not always turn out the way they began. The place of joy and happiness is tentative. It is fragile. It shattered before me into a million tiny pieces. A Hornet was loose in the car!
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